Our Wines

Danimi Wines
Campi Taurasini
Campi Taurasini
Tasting Note /

Intense aroma of tobacco, wood and toasted coffee notes. Dry, strong, tannic.

Altitude / 400/500 m a.s.l.
Name / Irpinia Campi Taurasini DOC
Blend / Aglianico 100%
Ground / Sandy in Mirabella Eclano
Maturation / 17/18 months in oak barrels
Aging / 10/12 months in bottle
Vineyard Age / On average 15/20 years
Yield Per Hectare / About 60/65 quintals
Harvest / Third decade of October/first decade of November
Colour / Intense red with garnet reflections
Pairing / To be served with roasted red meat, game, dishes with spices and truffles, ripe cheese.