WHAT IS GRAPPA / Grappa is a spirit extracted from the grape marc (or grape skins). It is a typical Italian product sanctioned by Regulation no. EU 1576/89, meaning that only grapes produced in Italy can be used and distillation must be carried out within Italy’s national borders.
RAW MATERIAL / Produced with best fresh marc from white grapes.
DISTILLATION / In keeping with ancient distillation traditions using a discontinuous system in original copper pot stills. Distillation occurs very slowly to allow the volatile components (which create the aromas) to evaporate correctly. This keeps the precious organoleptic characteristics of our marc intact.
Sensory Characteristics
VISUAL APPEARANCE / Crystal white colour.
SMELL / Pleasant, aromatic, intense and very typical smell that is refined, strong and generous. The aroma recalls the moment that the grapes are treaded.
TASTE / The characteristic soft and pleasant flavour of ancient friulian grappa. The grappa must “rest” in the glass for a few minutes before tasting. This oxigenates the grappa to bring out the aromas and complete the nose/ palate balance.
WHEN AND HOW TO DRINK GRAPPA / Grappa is excellent at the end of a meal as an after dinner drink or as a treat at any time of the day. To appreciate the full characteristics of the product, pour it into suitable glasses, e.g. “tulip” glasses. Enjoy at a temperature of approximately 12 °C. Good grappa should never be served too cold.